Happy 19 weeks to me! Feeling happy, in love, and overall blessed this week. I left Friday morning for Austin, TX for a bachelorette weekend with college girlfriends, returning early Monday morning. Check out my Instagram for photos from the weekend. It was so much fun! First of all, Austin is amazing. Although I’ve been once before, it was only to film for a night and we never got a chance to fully explore the city. I would highly recommend checking it out if you’re in need of a vacation. What’s also great about a weekend away? It makes you appreciate what you’re coming home to. I missed my family so much. I hope everyone had a great long weekend and enjoyed their Memorial Day! Ours was spent picking up our crib from Pottery Barn Kids!!, taking apart the crib because it wouldn’t fit through the nursery door, going to zero BBQs and lounging around the house all day instead. Alright, we had In & Out. Whoops!
The crib I’d been eyeing went on sale a couple months ago, and then off a month later. Meh! I suppose I had it coming since I made the decision to wait on purchasing. I got a call on Sunday from PB Kids reminding me of the memorial day sale and the fact that the crib I am looking at (they know) is now on back order and I wouldn’t receive it until the beginning of October. Huh? Who has that kind of patience? I went ahead and purchased the crib and dresser without hesitation. After I received the confirmation email, I thought… I wonder if I could buy their floor model instead? That way… I get it tomorrow vs. 4 months from now. We went in to the Kierland store at exactly 10am on Monday, and it was still there! Lucky! Although it has a couple scratches on it, it was $200 cheaper than ordering new online. Sold! The pregnancy feels that much more real now that these type of purchases are being made! Stay tuned, will be posting which crib I went with tomorrow morning.
Due Date: October 25th
How far along: 19 weeks
Size of baby: 6 inches and 8.5 oz., current status is the size of a mango
How many days to go: 147
Total weight gain: 9.6 pounds
Maternity clothes: I still can fit into some jeans and pants that I wore before but finding myself the most comfortable in looser fit pants and leggings.
Stretch marks: None
Sleep: Sleeping 7-8 hours a night
Best moment of this week: Purchasing our crib and feeling baby girl moving
Miss anything: A hard workout, sushi, champagne
Movement: I’m definitely feeling movement this week and I’m loving it. I can’t wait for her kicks and movements to get stronger.
Food cravings: Nothing to note this week.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing.
Have you started to show yet: Yes!!!
Gender: GIRL!!!
Labor signs: When I lay down for a long period of time, my stomach starts to tighten which I am guessing is Braxton hicks. Or her moving? Who knows.
Belly button in or out: In but its moving it ways out (big eye emoji)
Wedding rings on or off: Unfortunately, off. This pregnancy has made me have a terrible reaction to my wedding rings.
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy and in love!
Looking forward to: Dinner at Clever Koi tonight with JJ 🙂
Be Kind,