Hey! Today, I am 15 weeks pregnant. I thought I’d begin to post weekly updates about how I’m feeling physically and mentally as well as my physical progression each week. Below are some beginning stages, starting with week 11. I could have easily Face tuned those acne scars to look more smooth and non existent as I have zero makeup on in all of these photos, but that wouldn’t be real life now would it? Since I gave you all a glimpse of how I was feeling in my first trimester, now we should really start to see some body changes.
If you’re wondering how I’m doing about all the change to my body? I’m doing okay. No, I haven’t gained a lot of weight so far but I’ve felt consistently bloated the last 15 weeks. Who can actually tell if its carbs, gas, or baby? The hardest part for me was not feeling well enough to exercise at the beginning. When you exercise and have a healthy diet, I believe you are mentally a healthier person. As someone who is naturally thin, the first place I gain weight in general is always the stomach. A year ago I could exercise and eat healthy to get a flat stomach back, but now… I’m just going to get bigger and bigger. That’ll take some getting used to but overall I’m pretty into the fact that I can take advantage of eating grilled cheeses and gaining some needed weight.
Influenced by my friend Adrianne of Dream Book Design, I have put together a little weekly questionnaire to track my progress.
Due Date: October 25th
How far along: 15 weeks
Size of baby: 4 inches and 2.5 oz., current status is the size of a pear
How many days to go: 175
Total weight gain: Up 5 pounds
Maternity clothes: No
Stretch marks: None
Sleep: Sleeping 8-9 hours every night, hop in bed at 9pm every night.
Best moment of this week: I got my eyelash extensions back in today! I know, super vain comment! The extensions make me look so much more energized and put together and I feel great!
Miss anything: Lounging with red wine and a hard workout
Movement: No movement
Food cravings: I have cravings like a 6 year old. Grilled cheese, cereal, bagels, and anything carbs. I have been able to start eating vegetables again and as always, I love eggs.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing.
Have you started to show yet: Gas, bloat, carbs, baby? It all looks the same to me.
Gender: GIRL!!!
Labor signs: None
Belly button in or out: In
Wedding rings on or off: Unfortunately, off. This pregnancy has made me have a terrible reaction to my wedding rings. My fingers aren’t even chubby yet!
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy!!
Looking forward to: Our big ultrasound at the end of the month.
Anything else you’d be interested in getting updates on?
Be Kind,