Lately, I’ve been receiving so many messages about what my tattoos are, how many do I have, and the meaning behind them. So, I figure I’d write a short post to answer these questions. First, I have two tattoos.
Top of shoulder tattoo: I have the word FIVE written out. This was my first tattoo when I was living in San Francisco, around 25-26 years old. A tattoo I often forget I even have, since it is out of sight. The word five has a stronger meaning than just a number. It was something my family and I often referred to when we saw it pop up in our lives, as many things that we considered lucky or about us had the number 5 in it. Phone numbers, addresses, sports numbers, etc. when the number 5 popped up in something, we knew it would be a positive message (both of my girls due dates had the number five (October 25 and September 5)). I won’t lie, there have been moments where I have considered getting it removed, as the placement doesn’t always thrill me, but its here for now.
Arm tattoo: I have the phrase, TOI ET MOI written out. JJ and I got matching tattoos while traveling to Nice, France the year before we tried for babies. It was our last hurrah and one of the best trips I’ve ever been on with him. The phrase means, you and me in French… something we liked for a long time (song) but it was a greater meaning as we were about to take the next steps as parents. To us it means, regardless of our past, present, or future… there will always be me and you. We will stand together, and put each other first no matter what.
xoxo, Lola