When we first found out we were pregnant at the end of December, I immediately thought about the need for another girl. Gah! As I imagined two girls just like Vivienne. How could I not? We wouldn’t have to do any major shopping and we already know so much about girls. Since I was breaking out so bad … I thought it had to be a girl.
Our first ultrasound made me second guess that feeling. The heartbeat was slower, which convinced JJ and even our doctor that it was more than likely going to be a boy. Alright… best of both worlds, I could manage a boy (although I wont lie, boys kind of scared me).
I had a girl dream.
Then a boy dream.
I was at a loss. I had NO idea.
Weeks later, we had the gender and chromosome testing done in San Diego to receive results in a mere 4 days! It was so quick. I logged into the site to make sure everything else came back negative before closing the browser and planning our gender reveal party. Not clicking on the, “do you want to know the sex” option was by far the hardest thing to do. But, I knew I wanted to be just as surprised as everyone else this time around.
As we anxiously stood on a rooftop terrace in San Diego, with family present, Vivienne in arms, I thought to myself, “there’s a big chance that blue smoke could be behind me.” Even though my actual guess was a girl.
As we turned around to see which color smoke was coming out of the “2” can… I was beyond surprised to see PINK. I think JJ was even more surprised. He was convinced that we were having a boy. So were the majority of people at the table.
After celebrating, we drove back to the condo in PB where we called my sister and had a chat about the outcome. I brought up the fact that I am SO excited, but its a weird feeling to think that we will never have a boy. JJ agreed and we both talked the rest of the night about it and mourned not having a boy. It’s okay and necessary to do.
But now…
We are BEYOND ourselves excited for another girl and truly can not wait to see Vivienne as a big sister. We know she will do amazing.
Photos by aMaes_Photography
Makeup by Dalen Rocha