Top: The Fifth Label, Bottom: The Fifth Label, Purse: Hipsters for Sisters, Shoes: Keds, Henna: The Henna Shoppe (Phoenix, AZ)
Hi friends! Unfortunately, it has taken me way too long to write this post about Coachella… and I am only referencing day one. After this AMAZING weekend, I personally diagnosed myself for a few days off and some solid rest. Words cant describe this festival experience and I am so grateful to have gone through it with such a great group of people. On the norm, if my husband and I go out for dinner or drinks on the weekends; we can usually only handle one night, leaving the other to lounge and sleep early. This weekend was not even close to our norm.
We took the first portion of the day lounging in the beer garden and catching up with our good friends from San Francisco. The cell service was amazing as I hear you typically could never get in touch with people from earlier years. Luckily, from the beer garden you can sit and listen to all the music on the main stage without having to join in on the large crowds. We did that the majority of the day. We did end up catching kiesza (who was amazing) before heading off to the Nylon Party that night. That in itself was an experience. Lets just say we woke up a little foggy the next day.
Day 2 coming soon.
Be Kind,