Written by Tara Hainsworth
This post was written to contribute to the topic of Self-Care for the What Lola Likes blog by Tara Hainsworth. All facts, opinions, and professional tips are Tara’s.

Lola has asked me countless times, “How can my followers explain what my color and cut is to their hair stylists?”
If there is one thing I want you to take away from todays post, I hope its that you start the process of finding the right Hair Designer for you. Yes, you will hear me refer a “Hairstylist” to a Hair Designer from now on. A Hair Designer is someone that goes the extra mile and really has a passion for educating their customers on how to achieve the best hair that their hair can be.
It’s a simple question right? “How can I tell my hair stylists how to give me this color or this cut?” Well, I’m probably not going to give you the answer you were expecting today. The answer I am going to give you is…
You should not be the one having to tell your hair stylist what this color and cut is. You should not be in someones chair that needs you to explain this photo. You should not be the one having to explain warm vs cool or balayage vs highlights and you definitely should not be the one having to use terms such as a root smudge or texture when describing your hair goals.
That is your Hair Designers job. Your only job in this relationship and in seeking out these hair goals is to put in the work of finding the right Hair Designer for you and your hair. Think of it as someone you have chosen to hire to take care of your beautiful hair! You need to hire a professional, the type of professional Hair Designer that will tell you what is best and achievable and most flattering for you and YOUR hair. Someone who will stop you from having to all of a sudden get a cosmetology license and assist for 1-2 years then put in 5-10 years of experience working behind the chair so that you can then explain to your hair stylists how to achieve the look in the photo you have brought in.
Every single person has different features, different hair texture, skin tones, and even further different hair journeys. Every customer that sits in my chair has hair that tells me a story, it talks to me before the persons who’s hair it is even speaks one word. It’s usually either screaming at me, talking to me or whispering in my ear and funny enough it cant lie to me. Even if it wants to.

If I was to sit here and give you the terms, even the exact color formula and a head sheet showing every single direction and scissor technique of how I create this hair color and cut for LOLA. It would do NOTHING for you.
Except create a perception that if you were to take this formula and head sheet to your hair stylist you would leave that appointment with this exact hair. To be completely honest if someone were to sit in my chair and bring this exact formula and a head sheet I would be very inclined to decline this potential customer relationship. Only reason why is that the trust factor is not there.
I know not the answer you were expecting. But it’s the truth, just like every head of hair telling me it’s journey. It’s the answer that wont hide anything from you, wont cause any surprises, breakage or disappointment. It’s the reality of how serious you should take finding the right Hair Designer for YOU and YOUR hair is.

I’m Tara Hainsworth, Mama, Hair Designer, Salon Owner, Hair Educator. I look forward to helping women with their hair knowledge and hair goals, business ownership support and most importantly sharing in the joy of motherhood.