I wanted to write an update regarding my Packing for the Hospital post and disclose the truth about what was actually used during our hospital stay. For the mom, I’d recommend bringing a lot of comfortable clothing. You’ll live in it. I even left wearing my Ingrid and Isabel nursing set and not some cute going home outfit. Slippers and all… No Shame.
So, what was actually used during our stay? Not much.
- Comfortable socks and slippers. I used one pair of socks and one pair of slippers.
- Glasses, contacts, contact solution
- Phone charger
- Toiletries: shampoo, conditioner, body wash, moisturizer, hair brush, tooth brush, hair ties, deodorant, and lotion (I showered at the hospital once, and didn’t use a hairdryer, but you’ll need the necessities such as hair and body wash as the hospital doesn’t supply in your room).
- Lip Balm
- Nursing Sets- Cake Maternity, Ingrid and Isabel (Bring a couple as I got poop on one set the moment I got into it- It’s good to have options).
- Camera
- IPod and G-Boom
- Bath Towels- The hospital supplies them but it’s nice to have your own
- Pillows- Again, the options that the hospital have are not the best, so bring one you don’t mind using and washing after (or throwing out).
- Blankets- I had a warm and cozy blanket that I bought at Home Goods to drape on top of me which was so comfortable and we brought an extra one for JJ. Both completely necessary as the hospital does not have the most comfortable options.
- Boppy Breast Feeding Pillow
- Car seat blanket
- Going home outfit: Bring size options as V did not fit in her going home outfit.
- Nuna Pipa Car seat
Clearly, we used more items for me than we did for Vivienne. The hospital has everything you will need, and the swaddles we brought were too large and difficult to use as first time parents. JJ and I were terrible swaddlers at the hospital. Seriously, the worst. So, we used the smaller versions that the hospital provided (with the help of the nurses). We also used the same outfit for her the entire time, that the hospital also provided, a size 6 month long sleeve shirt with mittens attached and a small knitted pink hat. I would highly recommend bringing more than 0-3 size onesies. Newborn, Preemie, as well as 0-3 months sizes. You never know how big or small your baby will be and each brand measures differently. I would also recommend the onesies that you do bring, have mittens attached so you don’t have to worry about the baby scratching his/her face. A plain white tee, with mittens, is what we used… and it was easy to just swap out dirty diapers. Something to think about when packing for the hospital 🙂
I hope this was helpful to those of you packing for your own hospital stay. I always say its better to over pack than under, but this will give you a better idea of items you really do or don’t need.